Back to music

Last night after a lovely dinner to celebrate Julie’s birthday, it was time for me to go to orchestra rehearsal – the first practice since November! We worked on a couple movements from Beethoven’s First and also sightread a nice piece by Elgar. Everyone mark your calendars for Sunday, April 22 at 2 p.m. and come see/hear us play! 🙂 It happens to be the day after the Dine & Bid auction so it is going to be a crazy weekend!

Turning pages: In my quest to catch up to all of those other Harry Potter fans out there, I finished “Goblet of Fire” and after a few days’ hiatus I am now working on “Order of the Phoenix.”

Bye for now!

One comment

  1. Hi Erin!
    On occasion I read your blog and thought it might be a quick way to wish you a very Happy Birthday on Wednesday. Miss you lots and hope you have another wonderful year. 🙂
    ~Lynn (and Jim too!)


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