hello all!

ok, so i know that i’m bad at upkeeping this blog…it’s hard, i have so much more to think about…so finally here i am, writing! woo hoo.  unfortunately it may not be too exciting. Well, there is something exciting happening this weekend, i’m participating in a polar bear plunge, it’s for the special olympics.  As it’s getting closer i’m getting a little more nervous!  so, wish me luck, and if anyone feels that tickle in their tummy and want to sponsor me, go to specialolymicsminnesota.org and look for the polar bear plunge, and look for sponsor a plunger.  no pressure! hehe.
Well, we got a couple of inches of snow on tuesday.  it was a great snowfall, well, for the most part, because it was the giant flakes and so it looked beautiful as it was falling to the ground. 
School is going pretty good. i’m surprised that i’m doing good in my statistics class that i am taking.  Coming up in March i am taking a nursing assistant course, so after that i may pick up a part time job somewhere before i start my nursing school in the fall. 
Work is going good. i have been picking up a bunch of hours lately, but now i’m a little burnt out, so i’m glad i have a 3 day weekend this coming weekend, so it’s going to be nice to be away for a few days. 
Well, that’s about it for now, i have to get back to work.  I hope all is going well for everyone and talk to ya later!


  1. CONGRATS Bev!! She did the jump, not once but twice! I’m sure it really helped that Curt drove down to cheer her on.


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