Vacation Recap, Day 2

With the wedding Saturday and the baseball game on Sunday, Friday was really the only day to pound the pavement for some sightseeing. We hopped on the Metro in the morning and rode into DC. The National Aquarium in the basement of the Department of Commerce was our first destination. Species from all over the world are on display, from the most exotic and colorful tropical fish, to sea horses, to grumpy looking turtles, to fish found right here in ND. Upon leaving the Aquarium, it was a short walk to the National Mall. An Air Force Drill Team was doing a demonstration at the National World War II Memorial, so we checked that out. Dave took a photo of a WWII veteran and his family. We made our way to the Vietnam Memorial Wall, then walked a while more until we got to the Museum of Natural History. Last year we made a short walk through, but this time we took more time there (it was a nice, air conditioned break from the outdoors). We checked out the dinosaurs, mammals, butterfly exhibit, Korean exhibit, ancient Egypt/Greece/Rome, and more. When we went back out into the heat, it was time to make our way back to the hotel to get cleaned up for the rehearsal. The cab dropped us off at the church where we met up with the Steve and Anne’s families. Rehearsal went well. Dave had an assignment to work on before the wedding: walk slower! 🙂 Later in the evening was the lovely rehearsal dinner at a downtown DC restaurant.  

Next up: Day 3, wedding