Us vs Mother Nature

We are losing the battle, but are continuing to fight the ice, snow, wind, and upcoming cold. It seems Mother Nature went after North Dakota this year and really targeted a couple cities something extra. Leroy’s house is slowly disappearing to the snow hills in Minot. There might be a new chain of “mountains” in Minot by March. In Jamestown, the snow continues to pile up. The snowblower and the shoveler can barely toss the snow over the piles. It isn’t unusual to see this much snow by the end of March, but it isn’t even close to ending. According to the weather forecast, Alaska’s brutal cold temperatures will move in this week and we will see -30 temperatures. This weather is making it difficult to ice skate. We have some pictures in the photo gallery of Curt shoveling an ice rink so he can skate.

The battle will continue… but with snow like this, we’ll probably see piles for some time.