Changes ahead

I accepted a position as Executive Director of a local housing authority. The position is in Jamestown so I will no longer need to commute. This was a tough decision to make as I really enjoy my current position, and have made an enormous amount of friends at the campus and system wide. But, the time has come for a different path in life and that path starts June 1.


  1. Dave, congratulations! That’s very exciting for you. I know the pains of job changes but I think this is a great move for you. And Erin will probably appreciate having lunch with you every once in awhile 🙂

    I’ll be in Jamestown tmr (April 30) for a library meeting. Please tell Erin I’ll try to stop by. It looks like a full agenda so don’t know if I’ll have time.


  2. Congratulations! I’m excited to hear the good news for you. I’m sure you’ll do great adjusting to the new responsibilities. And not driving 60 plus miles every day won’t be a bad thing either.

    Take Care!


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