Labor day lake trip

This weekend we headed up to the lake with my parents and the Mayhair bunch. Steve and I had to tackle the all important water issue.  Despite adding a new pump this spring the water pressure completely disappeared in August.  So we spent 7 hours checking every piece of the water system.  Finally, we decided to go back outside and check our work.  That’s when Erin noticed a small leak in the water line going out to the lake.  Once we corrected that problem we had water.  What created the lack of pressure?  Apparently a pesky beaver thought the water line might be a tasty treat.

We solved that problem and enjoyed a nice weekend.  Carol and Roland Mayhair made a run up to the cabin.  The crew went fishing… and to no one’s surprise Brianna caught the most fish again!  Her and Steve snagged some nice northern’s Sunday morning and decided to prepare them for supper.  Sunday afternoon, Erin and I ventured to the International Peace Garden and enjoyed the new additions there.  I will have pictures and more in a later post.  Here are some pictures: