Bev's update

Bev had surgery last week to correct a problem with one of her kidneys.  Mom & I went down to Rochester to be with her at the hospital and help take care of Jack.  Jack enjoyed our visit and quickly took mom’s pillow.

Jack and the pillow

The surgery was delayed because of several emergencies so we had a long wait.  Bev spent two hours in surgery and was sent to the ICU.  Mom & I scrambled to move things to a new room and then decide if Mom should stay in the ICU.  Bev had some issues that required a little extra monitoring.  We decided to let the pros watch her for the night.  Bev did better on the second day and was moved to a normal room.  The following morning I left to head back home, mom stayed with Bev as she had another minor procedure and was later discharged.  Jack was happy.

Bev heading to surgeryBev and Jack

Mom drove Bev to Valley City so she could rest.  She got some needed rest and headed back to see her doctor again in Rochester.  The doc feels everything is going well, but wants to keep the drain in for a bit more.